
Building 4825 Episode 1

Building Fear The Podcast traces the story of Building 4825, Montreal’s most haunted residential building during the mid 1980’s. A dwelling, believed to have been the source of child abductions, paranormal events and demonic possessions.

Tenants, living in the building were subject to a slew of paranormal events that would leave investigators in the dark. Building Fear – The Podcast tells the story of some of the strange events that left countless residents and families in despair.

If you or someone that you may know happen to be an occupant of Building 4825, you’re urged to contact the administrator of this website to share your story. Your identity will be withheld to ensure anonymity.

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The Truth Behind the Hauntings At Building 4825 Episode 1 Building Fear

Building Fear chronicles the unexplained events that occurred in the residential Building 4825 during the mid 1980's in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

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